Compare Apples with Apples
By: Right Choice Real Estate
April 16, 2024

Many people think they can entrust the sale of their property to the real estate agent who puts the highest value on it - this is not necessarily the case. There are a number of factors to consider when selecting the right agent for you and your home.

Reputation - Word of mouth is the best source of current information about local real estate agents, doctors or any other practitioner. Talk to people you know and trust who have recently sold in the area. Have they had a smooth, enjoyable selling process or were they left disappointed?

Success – Take a quick drive around your local area. You can often tell how active an agent is based on the number of signs in the area. Pay particular attention to the number of SOLD signs. You want an agent that can successfully SELL a property, not just list one.

Get it in writing – Meet with two or three agents and get them to put their submissions in writing. Find out what will each of them offer you in terms of the following:

Quality – what skills do they possess that will help you get a quick sale for a maximum sale price i.e. negotiation, time management, qualifying buyers

Communication - confirm what methods your agent will use to keep you up to date with the progress of your sale and how often

Marketing methods – where do the majority of your buyers come from, and will the agent target that area with marketing i.e. database marketing, online portals, print media

Cost – have the fees and expenses explained to you clearly and confirmed in writing. Make sure you get “more bang for your buck” as the saying goes.

Compare - Once you have two or three submissions, you are in a much better position to compare apples with apples. Selecting the agent who puts the highest value on your home or offers you the lowest commission, only to find they don’t possess the skills to negotiate or keep you up-to-date could leave you disappointed and missing out on profits.

Take your time! After all, it’s not something you do every day and you want to be confident in your choice. Do your homework and don’t be seduced by fantasy prices.

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Right Choice Real Estate

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